Professional Teeth Cleaning in Uptown, Chicago, IL

When you visit a dentist near you for a routine examination and teeth cleaning in Uptown, Chicago, IL, they will recommend regular visits for preventive dental care. Even if your teeth seem to be healthy and in good condition, a professional teeth cleaning appointment is an important strategy to prevent dental complications in the future.

Dens Dental Studio is here to help with full-service examinations and dental cleaning services. If it’s time for you to schedule an appointment, then we invite you to call our nearby office so you can meet with our expert dental team.

Professional Teeth Cleaning in Uptown, Chicago, IL

How Often Do I Need Professional Teeth Cleaning in Uptown, Chicago, IL?

The general recommendation is to schedule a dental cleaning and checkup every six months. This frequency is a great way to stay ahead of the buildup that can collect over time because we remove plaque from teeth. At the same time, our dental team can identify potential issues in the earliest stages. As a result, we can implement preventive treatments, helping to reduce the need for more invasive dental care in the future.

If you have any special conditions that need to be treated, then we might recommend that you schedule more frequent cleanings. For example, patients with gum disease often benefit from professional teeth cleaning every three months while the gums are healing. Or, patients with other health issues, such as diabetes or someone going through cancer treatments, require more frequent care since the risk of dental complications increases.

Different Types of Dental Cleaning Services

In a routine examination and teeth cleaning in Uptown, Chicago, IL, we include multiple treatments to protect your teeth and gums. For example, we use digital imaging to detect potential problems in the earliest stages, focus on dental tartar removal, and offer recommendations if additional treatments are necessary.

There are other add-on services you might include in your appointment. Many patients choose to have a professional fluoride treatment at this time to prevent the risk of tooth decay.

If you have early or advanced gum disease, then it might be necessary to schedule an appointment for heavy tartar removal. Root planing and scaling is a way to remove the buildup and protect the gums, helping to reduce the risk of severe gum infections in the future.

Teeth cleaning in Uptown, Chicago, IL

Schedule an Appointment for Teeth Cleaning and Routine Check-Ups

When was the last time you had a professional teeth cleaning appointment? If it is overdue, we invite you to schedule an appointment with our team in your area: Dens Dental Studio. Our approach is to use preventive methods for protecting your teeth and gums, helping you preserve your natural smile for as long as possible. For more information, call us at: 312-525-9988.


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Creating confident smiles, one appointment at a time. 

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